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About Us

University at Buffalo Rowing is the club rowing team. We are funded by the Mandatory Student Activity Fee. 

We actively accept both high school rowers who wish to continue their careers on the collegiate level as well those who have never placed their hands on an oar before. Anyone who is willing to work hard will be on the freshman/novice squad.


The club is now open to both men and women. Male and female members of the team can be both rowers and coxswains. As a coxswain your responsibilities include steering the boat and commanding rowers throughout the course of a race.


If you have any questions about joining the team or the sport of rowing, please contact us:


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© 2020 University at Buffalo Rowing Club

The views expressed on this website are those of University at Buffalo Rowing Team, and do not necessarily represent the views of SUNY University at Buffalo or the Undergraduate Student Association
of the State University of New York at Buffalo

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