Brigid McCormack: President

In freshman year I joined the rowing team as a walk-on, originally starting as a rower I transitioned to a coxswain. As a three season high school athlete, I participated in soccer, lacrosse, and track. So when I transitioned to college as an industrial engineering major, I was searching for new opportunities where I could share in a new team dynamic and experience.
I decided to run for reelection because I wanted more daily involvement with our club outside of regular practices. During this past year we used the opportunity of a race free season to upgrade our boathouse, equipment, and maintenance practices. Our mission this year is straightforward, to have all new and existing members return to campus for a full, safe, and very successful season. To further our success in 2021-22, our club plans to expand our presence on campus through sculling on Lake LaSalle. Our objective is to elevate student awareness about the team and interest in our sport.
Allison Virgo: VP

I am a junior electrical engineer at UB, and joined this club as a walk on rower during my first week of college. I joined this club looking for a routine to stay active, and ended up staying because of how fun being a part of the team was.
My second year in this club I was a recruitment chair and tasked with bringing on new members by giving out my contact information and informing people of what this club does. After gaining experience as a rower as well as seeing how this club has been run for the past year, I made the decision to run for vice president.
Andy Swenson: Treasurer

I am a senior Mechanical and Aerospace dual major and walked on to the team fall 2019. I come from a 3 season running background in high school. I joined because one of my older brothers had been involved with the team when he was at UB and I thought it would be a similar environment to what I had with my running teams in hs.
I decided to run for reelection because I wanted more involvement with the day to day of the club outside of practices. From being treasurer for the 20/21 academic year and working to get the club in person practices I knew the difficulties of the position and thought that remaining in place as treasurer would be the best way to continue helping the club.
This past year we made use of free space in our budget from a lack of racing to upgrade our equipment and do some much needed maintenance purchasing. This year my goal is to rebuild our club membership, develop more of a club culture, and introduce sculling to UB North Campus at Lake LaSalle.
Ben Marino: Secretary

I am a junior Mechanical & Aerospace Engineer, and joined the team in fall 2019. Prior to UB rowing I rowed at Shaker Rowing Association for 3 years in high school. I joined this club to continue my love of rowing, and with that it has helped me maintain a regular schedule, healthy lifestyle and a good friend group.
I decided to run for secretary as I have gotten more involved with the team while I have been a member for the past two years, and decided that this was the next step to allow me to help the team the most efficiently.