Name: Mallory Hale
How many years did you row for UB?: 3.5
Major?: Speech and Hearing Sciences
What is your favorite UB Rowing memory?: The fall mornings on the water- nice weather and beautiful scenery.
What accomplishment are you most proud of?: Jumping into something I had no experience with. Along with the initial joining of the team, there were many other firsts such as my first time coxing a race, rowing on the Charles River, meeting so many new people, and many others.
What are your plans post graduation?: I am moving to Tampa, FL to become a Speech Language Pathology Assistant in a private practice!
What advice would you give incoming freshmen?: Do your own thing. This is your time to enjoy- join the club you want, change your major if you're not happy, and don't be afraid to do things alone. Friends are so important but follow your own heart and journey. You'll make genuine friendships by being yourself.