Name: Ashley Hanhurst
Were you club or varsity or both: Varsity
Years you rowed at UB: 4 Years
Walk on or experienced: Walk on
Favorite rowing memory/ies: Winning Dad Vails Regatta and rowing on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, Winning the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Championship then proceeding to watch Tara Rudkoski (UB Rowing Alumni) cry of happiness on national TV, rowing on the Charles River in Boston, MA, Winter training in Miami Beach every year was a blast (minus the
ripped hands and blisters), Spring Training in Oak Ridge, TN was always… interesting (Team Skits always a great laugh), Sasha Bailey (UB Rowing Alumni) teaching me how to row at West Side Rowing Club tanks
What rowing accomplishment are you most proud of: Beating the school’s 2K record (at the time) with 7:12.
Major: Bachelors of Science in Nursing
Current occupation: Operating Room Nurse / U.S. Naval Officer
Advice to current rowers: Enjoy every minute on the water! Enjoy your time with your teammates, they will be lifetime friends!