Name: Lisa Hansen
Maiden name: Lisa Johnson
Were you club or varsity or both: Club, 1 year, fall 1995 - spring 1996.
Years you rowed at UB: 1
Walk on or experienced: walk on
Favorite rowing memory/ies: There are so many! Spring training in Augusta, summer rowing at WSRC, Rowing at St. Catherines, Development camp in Philly, Rowing in Boston, all the National Team Speed orders, and especially all the laughs with Nicole, Wendy, Jen W. and our UB 8+ of spring 1996. And that we had a 5'8 140 lb male coxswain, (who was awesome btw) and even with the extra weight we did pretty well at Dad Vails!
What rowing accomplishment are you most proud of: Being invited to train in 2003 at the US Olympic Training Center at Chula Vista, CA, and the US National Team Training Center in Princeton NJ. Rowing each day with blades painted red, white, and blue was surreal and humbling. It was an honor to be included with the legendary women and men training there.
Major: Political science / Law
Current occupation: Attorney , Mom, Wife, Friend and Family Member!
Advice to current rowers: keep working, and keep your eye on the prize. True progress takes time. Not every competition will end the way you want. But there will always be another test, another race, that will be YOURS to dominate. Don’t get discouraged ever, get empowered. Keep forging ahead. Don’t ever be afraid of your competition - it’s likely they are afraid of you! Embrace the challenge. Be grateful for anyone who challenges you - it is a gift that you have the opportunity to reach your potential this way - grab it!! And I think I learned more about hard work and grit from being a rower than I did in law school or being a lawyer! Being a mom runs a close second though