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UB Rowing Celebrates We Can Row Buffalo on #WorldCancerDay2021

WeCanRow is a recreational program for Breast Cancer Survivors. Founded in 2002, in Boston, it’s an opportunity for women to experience their body’s strength in a new way, and to be part of a supportive community of others who have had similar experiences. WeCanRow to discover the healing power and joy of rowing, the ultimate team sport, as an adjunct to medical breast cancer treatment and physical therapy.

In 2009, We Can Row Buffalo founders, Lisa DeMarco and Lisa Wind approached the University at Buffalo about starting a chapter here in Buffalo. Lisa and Lisa wanted to help female cancer survivors build strength and their self image.

UB Rowing was lucky to have this special relationship with these ladies. UB rowers and coaches would volunteer their time to coach We Can Row, Buffalo. We taught them about rowing and they taught us about life and perseverance. Best of all we gained friendships.

Today you can find the We Can Row team at BSRA. They are continuing to grow and thrive as a team. We all know once a UB BULL, always a UB BULL.

If you want more information about We Can Row, Buffalo click HERE .



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